So I got hired on as a volunteer EMT with Ivins earlier this year. Every shift I worked nothing ever happened... I slept all night. That may sound like a good thing, but I wanted something to happen.
After about 12 shifts, I FINALLY got my first call!! I'm at home in my PJ shorts and a t-shirt. The pager starts beeping and I'm so excited! I can't see straight. I run from the kitchen to my room and listening to the pager and getting dressed were so hard to do at the same time. Luckily Christi was there cause she helped me out a lot!
They give me the address and I'm freaking out! How am I gonna find it? The dispatcher repeats the address and states it's the Tri Mart gas station (the only gas station in Ivins by the way). I don't even remember hearing that because I am not functioning from excitement. In the meantime... I still don't have my pants on. Christi reminds me to put my pants on.... I forgot to button them up tho and I just threw on my boots and forgot socks.
I get on scene... and I have beat the ambulance there! All that rush and freaking out and I can't believe I beat the ambulance there. Something I'll always remember. Definitely funny... I wish there would have been a camera on me because it would have been hilarious to watch!